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Memories of Rosyth


The minute we heard the familiar bell of recess, my friends and I would rush down the spiral staircase, to the Parade square at Level 3. Almost every recess, without fail, the game of virus would then commence after synchronised countdown. If you were being caught by someone who "caught the virus", you had to chase someone and spread it to him or her. The last person to "catch the virus" would be the next round's starter. It is simply a game of tag, but with more than twenty people playing together, it is one of the best games that I have ever played. Ganging up with my friends to chase someone or evading those who try to corner me, the adrenaline and competitive spirit to "survive"  till the end of recess or cornering and catching the very last person was refreshing. The parade square would be filled with laughter and screams. I truly miss that, for it was the game of virus that gave us the platform to laugh and play with friends, even though it was just half an hour a day and a simple game of tag. 


Graduating Year: 2015

Playing in the parade square

© Rosyth School (Singapore)

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