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Impact on My Life

Throughout the six years in Rosyth School, I've learnt many values. The values of respect, perseverance, teamwork, responsibility, honesty, selflessness - the list could go on. In Rosyth, I've met many teachers who have all taught me well and I truly appreciate everything the school has done for me. My journey in Rosyth has been a fulfilling and meaningful one.


Admittedly, I was rather immature during my time in Rosyth but despite the fact that it's been less than a year since I've graduated, I really have matured after thinking back about whatever I did in those years. The silly things, the fun things, the learning experiences, the childish things, everything. I had been rather carefree and nonchalant then but now that I'm in secondary school and things have gotten way harder, I've become more studious and more serious about school.


In the past, I didn't really study and revise for exams. Now, the amount of notes I've made and the amount of hours I invest in my studies is insane. And I know I have to work even harder as I progress on to secondary two, three and four. Looking back at everything, rather than feeling resentful at the scolding and nagging, I'm thankful for that because now, I truly understand that the teachers' intentions aren't ill intentions and they want us to succeed - that's why they scold us for our misbehavior. Instead of being upset , we need to learn from our mistakes and not continue to be misguided and ignorant.   We can then be role models for others. Thank you so much for everything you've done for us.



Graduating Year: 2015

Children's Day Fun

© Rosyth School (Singapore)

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