Memories of Rosyth
In 1983, the staff was very excited when the school was identified as one of the three primary schools that would embark on the Gifted Education Programme. I remembered receiving the news just before Teachers’ Day. It so happened that we celebrated Teachers’ Day in one of the bungalows in Pasir Ris that year and that night, we all waited eagerly for the announcement of the news on the television after dinner. In 1984, Rosyth School was one of the schools that was identified to host the Gifted Education Programme.
In 1992, Rosyth was picked by the Ministry of Education for yet another first. We became one of the primary schools to become a full-day school. It was quite an experience. School hours were much longer. Lunch was catered for by the Singapore Food Industry (SFI). Some of us had the chance to visit the kitchen of the SFI to see how food was prepared. Upper Primary pupils were served lunch in the canteen. Lower Primary pupils were served lunch in their own classrooms by their own teachers with the help of parent volunteers. I was in-charge of a Primary Three class then. Pupils were allowed to rest in their classrooms after lunch. Mats were provided and some pupils even brought their pillows and scatter cushions. I remember the pupils enjoyed the novelty of the experience!
To add variety to the food, some teachers took to cooking in the pantry. I remember we had a lot of delicious food. This has always been the Rosyth Spirit – sharing whatever we have, whatever we know, whatever we have learnt for the Rosyth community. This was very evident in my work as a Senior Teacher. The teachers were very receptive to ideas put forth to them. They were also very forthcoming with their contributions so that as one community, we were always learning and sharing for the benefit of our pupils. This made my time spent at Rosyth very rewarding as I learnt and grew with the students and staff.
Years of Teaching : 1973-2003
Staff cruise adventure