Memories of Rosyth
I remember a time when the afternoon session was introduced and we would spend the time during the teachers' meeting in neighbouring Parry Field, running around maniacally, balancing on tree roots, or swinging from their hanging roots with a Tarzan call. Sometimes we would have battles with water bottles, as Xena the Warrior Princess, Gabrielle and Hercules, and try to unbalance the opponent from the tree root they were standing on using by just using our water bottles. We would have picnics in that field - and I believe this was against the rules, so we would hide behind the trees. Once we saw Ms Geetha, our formidable Discipline Mistress, walking along the pavement on the main road outside Parry Primary, we would stop almost instantly, with cake hanging from our fingers, frozen. She merely smiled, amused, at us and continued walking. Those Wednesday noon times were very enjoyable for all of us. Free time on our hands, and teachers holed-up in a meeting room. But oh well, that worked out well for the kids!
Graduating Year: 2000
PE Lessons in Parry School Field