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Impact on My Life

Looking at the accomplishments of Rosyth over the past 30 years, I'm amazed and proud to have been in the school when Miss Ada Ponnappa was the Principal. My mum told me Miss Ponappa used to be her English Literature teacher in Tanjong Katong Girls' School! She seemed strict and the class fell into dead silence whenever she came in as a relief English teacher. I was very honoured that she read out my English composition during my P4 class, and when I came back to bid her farewell in 1990, she broke into a smile and asked: "Aren't you going to kiss me?" I did, together with a warm hug for a much beloved educator!


Looking back, with my daughter now attending Rosyth in Primary 2, I feel honoured that she continues to carry the torch for learning!

Graduating Year: 1989

Miss Ponnappa and office staff

© Rosyth School (Singapore)

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