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Memories Of Rosyth


I always enjoyed flag-raising in the morning. It was a chance to show my patriotism. Standing as stiff as a tree and belting out the anthem with gusto. Standing there at school basketball court, Mr Zainal's call to "Sedia!" was an order from heaven to me as I stood in line with Mrs Arasoo's class 1C of 1990.


Beside me in Mrs Olivero's class 1D, was an annoying boy who just could not keep still and could not stop fidgeting. Digging his nose, scratching his hair, doing everything other than keeping still and singing the national anthem.


I spent the next four years avoiding him like the plague. As fate would have it, we were put together in 5B3 in 1994. And an epic friendship began.


We found out that we loved the same subject, read the same books, played the same video games and shared the same sense of humour.

22 years on, Shamus Nair, IT Specialist, and Mohamed Nazirudeen Bin Malik, Teacher, are still best friends.

Graduating Year: 1995

Flag Raising Ceremony

© Rosyth School (Singapore)

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